Intro to W2FO - What to Focus on?

I've been trying to figure out what to focus on for a long time and the purpose of this blog is to help pick this. I also want to find others that are having the same issue

I often write acronyms and W2FO is one I've been recently using.  I wondered if the domain was available and by gosh it was.

So now I have one more thing to focus on. What it a good idea to get this domain name? Probably not but I couldn't resist. For characters and it means something to me. I wonder if the full one is available? I hope not as that will reduce my choice and eliminate a decision.

The tool I use to check this is call Logger which I developed over 17 years ago. Should I focus on that?

One solution to the problem is to use RTS (Random Task Selection). Just write a number of things down and randomly select from the list.  I've developed a number of tools for this. is one of them which is an off-shoot of currently is a list of Scott Adams' blog posts. Which has aspects of another project I've worked on called Time Creator or Time Monitor.

One big focus I have is my health. I seems to be deteriorating at age 57. I'm currently on a goal to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. This has been going well and is another of my many ideas called

Then there's work work which basically about getting money to live. Without a job and little money life would probably suck. I have to kids in college and a dog, house. All add up. So the biggest part of my focus is doing well on the job, increase my job security and increase the ease which I can get a new job. Since health insurance is part of my job that's another reason for it.

I look at my bookshelves and see thousands of books I could read but I read none of them.

Another big goal of mine is to declutter as I have boxes of stuff. +Tim Ferriss has one of the best quotes on this
There are tons of things in your home and life that you don't use, need, or even particularly want. They just came into your life as impulsive flotsam and jetsam and never found a good exit. Whether you're aware of it or not, this clutter creates indecision and distractions, consuming attention and making unfettered happiness a real chore. It is impossible to realize how distracting all the crap is - whether porcelain dolls, sports cars, or ragged T-shirts - until you get rid of it.  
Another thought recently is to build 2 tools which maybe are the same

  1. I2$ - Idea to Money
  2. K2$ - Knowledge to Money
My most extensive focus list has 119 items on it.

There's and probably 10 others.

There's twitter.  I gotten over 70,000 twitter followers @Alecberg and spend a lot of time on that mostly getting information on politics.

Blogging. I write a lot but fail to get anything from it.

Then there was the books I've started and 69 Immutable Laws of Weight Loss, Little Book that Teaches Excel and I could go on and on.

A few of the biggest problems I've faced is a lack of feedback on what I've done.

There was which analyzed a stock trader's performance based on their returns.

There's my many hobbies like juggling and magic.

And lately my interest in persuasion and influence has been high from mainly @ScottAdamsSays posts on twitter and his blog

Then there's the things that bothers me and the habits I'd like to create.

To sum it up, here's my list

  1. Health
  2. Work
  3. Fun
  4. Reducing annoyances
Ok that's enough from me. What about you? What do you focus on and why? How did you determine it?
